Kunal Badhe 应用

Words Scramble 1.4
Kunal Badhe
Words Scramble is a word making game betweentwo devices using Bluetooth which has three modes.1) ARCADE: In this mode, players fill all the boxes by enteringtheir letters one by one. After this is done, al the words made bythe players are displayed in a list below. The player who made mostno. of words wins the game.2) CLASSIC: In this mode, players have to place their lettersone by one and the first player to make the first word wins thegame.3) ULTRA: In this mode, players fill all the boxes by enteringtheir letters one by one. After this is done, all the words created(by both) are displayed together. This mode doesn't have any winneror loser. This mode is for learning words.Each mode in the game has 3 levels:1) Easy(4 X 4 - 16 boxes)2) Medium (5 X 5 - 25 boxes)3) Hard (6 X 6 - 36 boxes)How to connect two devices?-> After you are done selecting the mode and level, a screenwith an empty grid appears. Click on the 'Floating(+)' button onthe bottom right corner of the screen. There, two options will bevisible viz. "Host Game" and "Join Game". If you select Host gamethen ask your partner to choose join game and select your device.If your partner selects Host game the you go for Join game.How to select theme?-> Click on the settings button on the upward right hand side ofthe screen and choose any one theme amongi) Woodii) Grassiii) Steeliv) Skyv) NightThen click on "Save" to apply the changes.Enjoy gaming.
SGGS Bus Tracker
Kunal Badhe
In this app, user can see the stops of bus onroute an current location of single bus as well as current locationof buses on specific route. Also, user can see time table ofbus